#External hard drive for macbook air 2015 install
To successfully install macOS on an external drive, the drive you want to use must be suitable for the task ahead. Just being curious and wanting to learn something new and potentially useful is the best reason you can have. Of course, you don’t actually need a good reason to install macOS Monterey on an external drive.

When you install macOS on an external hard drive, you can get your hands on the latest and greatest features without the risk of making your computer unusable. At the same time, new versions of macOS always introduce attractive new features, and it’s understandable if you want to try them as soon as possible. It’s not uncommon for users to see their Macs become less stable than a hormonal teenager going through a caffeine crash.
Seasoned Apple users know that when a new major version of macOS is released, things do always go smoothly. When It Makes Sense to Install macOS Monterey on an External Hard Drive If you discover that Monterey is too unstable, incompatible, or otherwise unsatisfactory, you can simply format the external hard drive and use it for other purposes, such as storing backups.
#External hard drive for macbook air 2015 how to
By learning how to install macOS on an external hard drive, you can safely test everything macOS 12 Monterey has to offer while preserving your current installation intact.